Thursday, July 7, 2011

Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Church In Daytona Beach, Florida

 Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Church In Daytona Beach, Florida

Copyright 2009
Don Jyovi Saraswati Di Morgese

oh kindest of the ingredients for Don Jyovi's Maha Yagya is the very powerful prayer techniques of lighting votive candles for desires at Our Lady Of Lourdes!...
at the corner of Halifax and University in Daytona Beach, Florida...drop in and say hi to Father Phil...tell him I say whatsup!

statue of Our Lady Of Lourdes

the spiritual technique of laying a flower at the foot of Our Lady Of Lourdes

the spiritual technique of lighting votive candles ...I lit of them...for the tremendous success of Don Jyovi's Maha the background...a wooden statue of Jesus down from the cross being held by His grieving Mom

the prayer garden in the courtyard of the church